Current Pixel and Floyd Puppies (May-Jun 2024)

Baby Pictures

Stormy is a medium gold girl with a darling bubbly and devoted personality. She is brave and one of the first out of the whelping box and one of the first to greet you.

Breezy is cuddle bug. She is a little smaller than the others but what she lacks in size she makes up for in affection. This girl will snuggle with you all day!

Rainy is our show off. She is very confident and prances around like she owns the place. She is vibrant, happy, playful and very smart. This girl is brave and curious. And she has a very lovely head and conformation.

Windy is our class clown. What a silly and bubbly puppy. This puppy is very animated and sweet-natured. She is one of the first to come - very obedient - but she does it with bounce and goofyness. She is a little lighter in coloring.

Previous Floyd Puppies